Sunday, November 27, 2011

Morning Order.

Check out below the video for details on an interview I gave for a zine in Spain.

Tonight's song is 'Morning Order' by Hugh Hopper & Alan Gowen:

Hello again. So, for all you Spanish reading fans out there I recently did an interview for the friendly guys of Migas Fan-Thing. If you would like to give it a read they will be at the ExpoComic of Madrid in a couple of days where you should pick up a copy for yourself and support those guys. Here is what the cover looks like:

Pretty sweet, right?
If you can't make it or they've run out of copies, don't fret! The entire issue will eventually be online for the whole world to read! And once that happens perhaps I will post the English version for those who are interested.
You can thumb through some of their past issues online here:

Saw Almodòvar's 'The Skin I Live In' Tonight.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

At The Parade.

I know it's almost over, but I still want to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Naturally I am thankful for my family and friends, but I am also extremely thankful for all you readers.
I've been putting stuff online for a little over a year now and I am genuinely humbled by the response my comics have gotten so far. So, whether this is your first time here or you stop by everyday I want to say a humongous THANK YOU to you guys as I look forward to another year of comics making. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011

What Are Friends For?

Tonight's song is the Whodini classic 'Friends'

Monday, November 14, 2011

Action Week (Take 2.)

Since last week turned into Cat Hands week, not a bad thing, I think I'll just make this week Action Week.

Ultra Competitive Astronaut.

Tonight's song is 'Third Rock' by Pure Essence:

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Cat Hands Grows Old.

Don't worry! This is probably not the end of Cat Hands forever. It's just the end of him for this week.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Humpty Dumpty.

Tonight's track is 'Humpty Dumpty' by Marc Moulin:

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Fly On the Wall.

The Masturbatory Practices of the Male Praying Mantis.

Once you are done reading tonight's comic I recommend heading over to The Ten Paces and Draw site and checking out some of the rad fan art a whole bunch of people and I contributed.
That site is great. People exchange sketches and have someone else make a fancy illustration from their sketch.
You should also be sure to check out the site of the super talented Julianna Brion who did an amazing job taking my 'Beastie Boys' sketch to a whole new level. 
(I also really enjoyed working off of her Superjail sketch.)